Our Solutions

Open Field
Complete Solutions for irrigating and nourishing the crops by increasing the yields

Farming 4.0
Digital Farming: Automation Systems in agriculture
Plastic-Puglia has developed automatic systems able to remotely control and manage irrigation processes through the combined use of innovative technological solutions which shall reduce the risks and the costs by increasing the yields and the quality of the crops.

Innovative Solutions
Precision irrigation and environmental sustainability
Using every single drop of water and nutrients is a challenge that Plastic-Puglia has faced since 1967, proposing integrated systems on the market, for precision irrigation.
AquaPro: all the benefits of a remote automation system for precision irrigation
AquaPro is an innovative wireless Smart Farming system for precision irrigation, designed to reduce production costs and increase crop yields. Its fully automated and autonomous management revolutionizes irrigation systems, tailoring them to specific crop needs and optimizing resource use. With integrated IoT technologies and advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms, AquaPro delivers preci...
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